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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Limit Order
A limit order is an instruction given by an investor to a broker to buy or sell a security (such as a stock) at a specific price or better.

Liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be converted into cash. Assets that can be readily and quickly converted into cash are considered highly liquid, such as gold.

Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk associated with the ability to sell a security or convert an asset into cash easily and at a fair market price.

Long Position
In trading, when someone takes a long position or goes long on an asset, it means they are expecting the asset's price to rise. By taking a long position, traders aim to profit from the increase in the asset's value.

In trading, losers refer to financial instruments, such as stocks or other securities, that have experienced a decrease in price over a specific period of time. Losers are investments that have lost value, resulting in a negative return for those who hold or have purchased them.

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